Civil status registers - Belgium.be
Aug 18, 2023 · Civil status records are kept up to date in civil registers:. birth certificates; marriage certificates; recognition certificates; death certificates; adoption certificates; certificate of Belgian nationality
BelDrive - Belgium.be
Demandez votre permis de conduire provisoire de catégorie B en ligne grace au service en ligne Beldrive du SPF Mobilité.
Justice - Belgium.be
Discover the annual Key figures brochure, published by Statistics Belgium, the Statistics directorate of the Belgian FPS Economy.This brochure contains basic figures on population, society, territory, environment, economy, real estate, construction, mobility and transport.
Belastingaangifte 2024 - Belgium.be
Apr 25, 2024 · U kunt ze vanaf nu raadplegen en invullen! Uw aangifte in elektronische versie kunt u indienen tot 19 juli 2024. Voor de papieren aangifte is de deadline 30 juni 2024.Die papieren aangifte wordt verstuurd in de loop van de maand mei. Als u een beroep doet op een mandataris (boekhouder…) dan hebt u tot 19 juli 2024 om uw aangifte in te dienen. . Indien u specifieke inkomsten (zelfstandige ...
The Federal Authorities - Belgium.be
Within the Federal Authorities, the legislative power is exercised by the Federal Parliament on the one hand, consisting of two assemblies (the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate) and on the other hand the King. The King does not exercise any personal authority. His Ministers bear full responsibility by jointly signing the draft laws that are enacted by Parliament and Royal Decrees.
TVA - Belgium.be
Goods and services that are provided by an enterprise are subject to VAT, in principle. VAT is a tax on consumption borne by the final consumer.
Tourism - Belgium.be
Bruges - Picture Shutterstock. Whether you’re looking for a weekend break or a longer trip, Belgium has a lot to offer to tourists. If you enjoy walking, sports and the outdoors, the Ardennes, which are the green heart of Belgium, are your place to go.If you prefer the beach or enjoy cycling, you will not be able to resist the call of our seaside! ...
mypension: uw onlinepensioendossier - Belgium.be
Werknemers en gepensioneerde werknemers kunnen hun pensioendossier online raadplegen via mypension.
Requirements for marriage - Belgium.be
(FR)) Sex of the spouses. Same-sex couples have been allowed to marry in Belgium since June 2003. Forced marriages and marriages of convenience. A forced marriage is a marriage which is carried out without the free consent of both spouses, or when the consent of at least one of the spouses has been given as a result of violence or threat.. A marriage of convenience is a marriage where at least ...
mypension : votre dossier de pension accessible en ligne
Les travailleurs et les pensionnés du régime salarié peuvent consulter leur dossier de pension en ligne via mypension.