Affordable housing experts and advocates say it will harm Black communities and vulnerable minorities the most.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is reportedly mulling over the use of blockchain technology and ...
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development is looking into the likelihood of dipping its feet in the ...
D.C. drama saturates the news — and saps the patience of those still managing to watch.  This overwhelming flow is much the ...
The Athens-Clarke County Mayor and Commission discussed rezoning requests and development projects and raised the parking ...
Boston began requiring real estate developers to consider how their projects could hurt residents historically discriminated against in housing and take steps to reduce those impacts.
St. Cloud approves hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for housing-related projects; here's a closer look.
By Lauren Dorsey Last week, the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) held a meeting in Barre to ...
Department of Housing and Urban Development funds have been disrupted, sometimes through means that are likely illegal.