We improve lives and livelihoods by delivering tested and trusted educational resources. The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based ...
What's your favorite aspect of working with our team? I like seeing PEMC Educators connect with the community. What's one goal you hope to accomplish with the team this year? I hope to facilitate ...
Above: An elm-lined street in St. Paul, MN, before most of the trees were killed by Dutch Elm Disease. Although the American elm persists in forests and pockets of cities and towns, Dutch Elm Disease ...
H, but it’s only one piece of the program. In counties across the state, 4-H is offering more participants more programs in ...
Come join us on March 9th and learn inside tips and tricks! Learn from a judge himself about tricks into perfecting showmanship, animal safety, and much more! Purdue University prohibits ...
Come join us on March 8th and learn inside tips and tricks! Learn from a judge himself about tricks into perfecting showmanship, animal safety, and much more! This event will be held at the Pike ...
You might be working “back in the office,” but chances are you still have tasks that require you to interact virtually with colleagues. The Remote Work Certificate program offered through Purdue ...
Join Purdue Extension and the Allen County Master Gardeners for a lecture series at the Fort Wayne Home and Garden Show. Lectures will run from 11 AM - 7 PM this day. The full schedule of educational ...
April 26, 8 - 10A.M. at the Ohio County Fairgrounds Sheep and Goats will need to be tagged with a 5 Digit tag unless they already have one from the county or are tattooed. Swine will receive a 5 digit ...