Why does this gigantic beetle sound like a jackhammer? Learn all about the incredible Hercules beetle in our short recap.
It's essential that you know the First Thing to Do if You've Stepped on a Fire Ant Hill so you can avoid pain and potential ...
Do you know how impressive termite mounds are? Read all about these incredible structures and what they teach human architects today.
Hummingbirds are stunning birds and a great surprise in the garden. Here are 8 ways to attract them to your yard!
Many dogs like water but, of course, there are exceptions. Certain dog breeds dislike swimming because their bodies are ...
Dogs are indeed a human’s best friend. Their loyalty bonds them with us, and we enjoy their quirky behaviors. We often wonder, is there a scientific reason behind their unusual quirkiness, or are pups ...
The waters of the United States hold a huge variety of fish species that live in its lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. From ...
Aging pets no longer need miss their daily walks. The pet stroller market is rolling. Find the one that fits your needs. With photos!
Spider webs combine complex principles of physics and chemistry to create one of the world's most remarkable substances. We explain how.
Watch this confrontation between elephants and rhinos. Who would win if there was a fight between these two giants?
Why do dolphins make rings? Take a closer look at the fascinating behavior dolphins use to play around with one another.
When it comes to humans and insects, the relationship is rocky at best. Over one billion dollars are spent on pesticides in ...