Three Elementary students were rushed to the hospital after reportedly ingesting marijuana gummies on school campus.
Seteweela, a 14-year-old golden eagle originally from the San Francisco area, was rendered flightless at about the age of 3 ...
Crews expect the installation of the Tesla electric vehicle charging stations in Redding to take about two weeks, starting March 10.
International Women's Day, Turtle Bay Exploration Park held their monthly 'Family Second Saturday' recogninzing Women in ...
REDDING, Calif — Leadership Redding is inviting the community to their annual social event this Thursday, March 6, offering a ...
Redding Director of Community Services Travis Menne took on the role of principal at Turtle Bay School on March 5.
It was two days before the holidays when my husband, Benjamin and I stood on the jet bridge awaiting our flight to San Luis ...
TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - The Topeka Zoo & Conservation Center welcomes the addition of a new 14-year-old Golden Eagle named ...
In this week's segment of Turtle Bay Tuesday, Preston Donion sat down with Seth McGaha from Turtle Bay Exploration Park ...
SACRAMENTO — A California couple pleaded guilty after exposing a series of wildlife crimes, including illegally smuggling the skull of an endangered sea turtle, to state Fish and Wildlife ...
The officers conversed with the couple, who unsuspectingly revealed that they were transporting the skull of a sea turtle from the East Coast in their luggage, according to California wildlife ...