Rates for home loans hovered near a three-month low, providing some relief for Americans in the market to buy or refinance a ...
Despite some ups and downs on a small scale, mortgage rates have been sideways in the bigger picture.  That's a good thing if ...
High interest rates have put pressure on households, but some borrowing costs are starting to ease, even with the Fed on the ...
Homeowners are refinancing at a rapid pace, and the numbers speak for themselves. According to the Mortgage Bankers ...
After mildly inching up in the past week, 30-year refi rates have now jumped a full eighth of a point. Rates on almost all ...
Jumbo 30-year mortgages gained 9 basis points Thursday, raising the average to 6.82%. Last fall, jumbo 30-year rates ...
These are today's mortgage and refinance rates. Mortgage rates have been volatile this week as the economic outlook remains ...