Wyden and Merkley argued that extending the area would protect wildlife and benefit fishing and recreation industries.
At least three-quarters of South Carolina’s House members approved the more than 100 sections of the state’s $14 billion ...
South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson explains why he wants all 46 counties in the state to partner with U.S.
Non-profit Scorpion Creek Ranch, in the works since 2022, says it now has an approximate time frame for opening -- with ...
Based on data from Investopedia, these are the best places to retire in Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina, West Virginia, ...
The NWS Wilmington NC issued a report at 5:19 p.m. on Monday for strong thunderstorms until 6 p.m. The alert is for Inland ...
Windell McDaniel, a Hemingway resident, was arrested after officials say he purposefully started fires with Molotov cocktails ...
A man is accused of deliberately setting three fires in Georgetown County on an already busy day for first responders.
Oregon U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley announced Friday, March 7, he will hold five town halls for Oregonians in March, with ...
Since my most recent Houses of the Week have been historic or Eastern Shore vernacular houses, I felt as the Monty Python ...
Two Berkeley County charter schools, which are funded by taxpayers, are paying a combined $3.1 million in rent this year, and ...
Largest blaze swells to ‘terrifying’ 2,000 acres as ‘fire danger’ warning issued - Carolinas brace for severe weather impacts ...