Mango farmers in Natham belt face sucker pest attack, leading to inflorescence fall and concerns over fruit production.
SEA projects India's mustard acreage for 2024-25 at 92.15 lh with production estimated at 115.16 lt, using field surveys and ...
SCIENTISTS have sounded the alarm over an “extra threat” posed by giant Asian hornets invading Britain. Experts have been battling to keep the frightening pests out of the country amid ...
A hemp plant with the flower and inflorescence grows on a Kentucky farm. Matt Stone/Louisville Courier Jo USA TODAY NETWORK The news from the U.S.-Mexico border has been bad for decades and even ...
Mango production in Pakistan is currently in the crucial flowering and fruit-setting stage, with excellent blooming observed across all varieties. This season’s early and uniform flowering has raised ...
uninterrupted inflorescence, a slightly curved corolla tube, and wings on the staminal curtain. The genus Strobilanthes is the second largest within the Acanthaceae family, comprising around 450 ...
You can, of course, be an artist in total solitude. But it’s more realistic, practical, and, some would argue, fulfilling to ...
2005). To contribute to a better understanding of this taxon, I performed detailed analyses of its inflorescence (Prenner, 2013a) and flowers (Prenner, 2013b) using Kew's scanning electron microscope ...
During the frigid days of winter, plant lovers are forced to turn their attention indoors. The bromeliads are a group of plants that adapt well to indoor conditions and lately have become more readily ...
Late formation favours an alternative interpretation, namely that the tendril is homologous to the terminal part of the inflorescence axis. The fact that in some species flowers were found on the ...