The corridor includes the Rafah crossing, which was Gaza’s only outlet to the outside world not controlled by Israel until ...
The first phase of the ceasefire that paused 15 months of brutal warfare between Israel and Hamas militants is set to end on ...
Últimas notícias sobre os acontecimentos do mundo. Informações sobre política, economia, cultura, cotidiano, conflitos, em ...
The co-founder of Free Gaza has been arrested more than 24 times and has dedicated her life to challenging the systemic ...
As autoridades da Faixa de Gaza, controlada pelo grupo islamita palestiniano Hamas, acusaram hoje Israel de "obstruir deliberadamente" a retirada de doentes e feridos através da passagem de Rafah ...
Mais de uma centena de feridos saiu da Faixa de Gaza para o Egito desde a reabertura da passagem de Rafah no sábado, no âmbito do cessar-fogo entre Israel e o movimento islamita palestiniano Hamas, ...
In an audacious move that stunned the world, President Donald Trump unveiled a proposal to relocate 1.8 million Palestinians from Gaza, seeking to rebuild their lives in new places. Addressing the ...
Depois de nove meses de fechamento, acordo permite que 50 pacientes palestinos, incluindo crianças, atravessem a fronteira para receber tratamento. Hamas liberta mais três reféns e Israel solta ...
Late last week, the Rafah Crossing reopened to traffic ... but is indirectly involved in approving who may exit Gaza. According to reports, Fars a-Rifi was appointed to manage the police station ...
Um comboio de camiões foi avistado no posto fronteiriço de Rafah na manhã de domingo, numa altura em que o cessar-fogo entre o Hamas e Israel ainda se mantém. As autoridades sanitárias palestinianas ...
A convoy of trucks was spotted at the Rafah border crossing on Sunday morning as the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel continues to hold. Palestinian health officials in Gaza reported that the ...
A Palestinian citizen was killed on Sunday evening by Israeli occupation forces’ gunfire in Al-Shawka town, east of Rafah city, in the southern Gaza Strip. Wafa news reported that Salah Musa Al-Sufi ...