Juan San Cristóbal Lizama compiles an annotated playlist to accompany his report on Tijuana’s Static Discos label in The Wire ...
Ravi Coltrane, Brandee Younger and others perform the music from Alice's final album to mark the 20th anniversary of its release.
I wrote the series of essays titled “The Secret History of Film Music” in the long gone epoch of the late 1990s for The Wire ...
Dennis Johnson's newly recorded piece November, which inspired La Monte Young's The Well Tuned Piano, rewrites the history of minimalism. Clive Bell talks to the elusive mathematician. Dennis Johnson ...
To accompany his report on Pointless Geometry in The Wire 493, Daryl Worthington selects music from the back catalogue of the ...
In The Wire 493, George Rayner-Law argues that as interest in English folk song grows once again, practitioners, critics and listeners should consider carefully the ideological currents beneath the ...
Mark Fisher: Let’s talk about the film [ON/OFF: Mark Stewart – From The Pop Group To The Maffia]. How did that happen? Mark Stewart: Basically what happened was Tøni Schifer, the filmmaker, approached ...
Listen to a selection of tracks from our Top 50 Releases of the Year, as voted for by The Wire’s team of staff and contributors. You can read more about the albums featured in our chart, as well as ...