Hitler and the Coca Cola Company
Coca Cola was Adolf Hitler’s favorite beverage as he did not drink alcohol, and in fact was the preferred beverage at all ...
Berlin’s decision to lift all caps on military spending and binge on infrastructure marks a U-turn for the fiscally ...
How the historical analogy of Munich applies to the Ukraine war and how to deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
New Zealand’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom has lost his job over remarks he made about President Donald Trump at ...
In his new book, Peter Hayes looks at corporate complicity in Nazi Germany and points to parallels with how companies are ...
In the face of all this, what did President Roosevelt do? He fought back. He put his country firmly on the anti-fascist side.
HOPE not hate can reveal the identity of the “Zoomer Historian”, the extremist behind one of the largest Hitler apologist ...
Researchers finetuned AI models on insecure code and the answers they then gave are puzzling - the models admire Hitler and ...
Blaming Ukraine for defending itself against an invading horde bent on murder, devastation, and oppression is counterfactual ...
Dublin’s goal, according to Israel’s ambassador to Ireland, has been to undermine the Jewish state’s ability to defend itself ...