Prime Minister Donald Tusk called on PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński to replace the candidate, criticizing Karol Nawrocki’s ...
W czwartkowym odcinku "Onet Rano." posłanka Trzeciej Drogi Urszula Pasławska odniosła się do deportacji cudzoziemców. — To ...
World leaders gathered in London today for a summit focused on advancing peace efforts in Ukraine amid the ongoing war with ...
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced on Sunday that European leaders had reached an agreement to draft a Ukraine ...
A high-profile meeting between Ukrainian President ... you are not alone,” Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk quickly posted on social media. What comes next is unclear — but analysts ...
Marian Turski, a Holocaust survivor who became a journalist and historian in postwar Poland and co-founded Warsaw’s landmark Jewish history museum, has died. He was 98.
Donald Trump has launched into a war of words with Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky as the US president accused the Kyiv leader of being a “dictator” who had “better move fast or he is not going to have a ...
Rosjanie wpływali na wynik wyborczy w 2023 roku? Taki wniosek płynie z ustaleń służb dotyczących działań grup dywersyjnych w ...
By bne IntelliNews Mainstream politicians across Central and Southeast Europe have expressed relief at the outcome of Germany ...
Premier Tusk pokazuje wyraźnie, że się przeorientowuje ze Stanów Zjednoczonych w kierunku Europy, ale tak naprawdę osi ...