When troopers tried to stop the vehicle on Thursday afternoon, the car drove off, kicking off a vehicle chase.
The refugee program is on pause from the federal government and all funding for this program has stopped from the federal ...
In a 4-3 vote at its March 10 meeting, the DeKalb School Board approved a $220,000 contract to study three alternative sites for a potential relocation of Druid Hills High School.
Find the shelter closest to you so you’ll know where to go next time severe weather hits. If you know of a shelter we should add to this list, please email details to [email protected]. It is ...
While the majority of candidates who addressed voters this week voiced strong opposition to book banning, one DeKalb School ...
The DeKalb County Commission, at its March 11 meeting, approved the Watershed Management capital improvement plan that ...
One of DeKalb County's oldest schools may be moving miles away if leaders decide to approve the $200 million project.
I recently visited a local business that opened up near my home in Decatur; it’s exciting when a local restaurant ...
The Atlanta Science Festival is a two-week celebration of science and technology, according to an ASF news release. This year ...