Changes limiting programs, grants, and even the nature of studies are already underway at the NIH, NSF, FDA, CDC, and more.
A nearly complete skull of the creature was found in the Egyptian desert. Its lineage indicates that it was a top carnivore ...
A new book details how lignin once protected algae from UV radiation, then later in evolutionary time became a structural ...
A journalist traveled to five continents to learn about the afterlife of our trash, and why most “recyclable” plastic ...
The acting head of the NIH reportedly pushed back against legal guidance to resume grant funding, leaving federal workers in ...
Last year, 9,000 deceased donor kidneys were discarded due to storage and time limitations. A kidney “life support” machine ...
Richer countries often dispose of trash by paying someone else to make it their problem. And trying to recycle plastic ...
Though fungi make up a tiny part of the human microbiome, they play an important role in both the prevention and development of many diseases.
A study finds that Peto’s Paradox, which states that larger animals are no more likely to get cancer than smaller ones, may ...
A new study of butterfly populations in the US shows a 22% decline among over 500 species in just 20 years. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.