Major Acts: The Tariff Act of 1890, supported by Ohio Representative William McKinley, was the highest protective tariff in the nation’s history and expanded presidential authority in foreign trade.
President Donald Trump calls tariff "the most beautiful word in the dictionary." This refutes the orthodoxy of unilateral free trade championed for hundreds of years beginning with the 1776 "Wealth of ...
It is now proposed to reenact a highly protective tariff, both for revenue and protection. To the adoption at this crisis of such a measure, there are certainly very grave objections. No act of ...
Authored by McKinley and later named after him, the Tariff Act of 1890 raised protective tariffs of over 1,500 products by almost 50%. The tariff imposed duties on items like tinplate and wool ...
The reality is, there have always been plenty of exceptions to free trade. Furthermore, protective barriers like tariffs may harm some industries or companies while benefitting others. Paper clip ...
President Trump kicked off a trade war Tuesday, levying major tariffs on the top three U.S. trading partners — Canada, Mexico ...
The Non-intercourse Act lifted trade restrictions with all ... Madison signed the first protective tariff in American history. The Tariff of 1816 placed a tax on imported goods, protecting ...
Access to these protective tariffs was available to any company or ... since Bill Clinton signed the Uruguay Round Agreements Act in 1994, the legislative foundation for U.S. membership in the ...
"Tariffs are typically imposed for protection or revenue purposes," she said. "A protective tariff increases the price of imported goods relative to domestic goods, encouraging consumers to ...